2 min read
Bridging the Gap Between Virtual Tours and Prospects Signing the Lease
It’s no secret that the pandemic made virtual tours a must for properties, but it’s also clear that virtual tours are here to stay. The challenge...
2 min read
It’s no secret that the pandemic made virtual tours a must for properties, but it’s also clear that virtual tours are here to stay. The challenge...
2 min read
After a year of sudden change and constant uncertainty due to the pandemic, we are slowly transitioning back to normal. Because of this we have...
3 min read
Co-working spaces for multifamily properties are nothing new—but due to the pandemic, they have seen a huge increase in popularity.
3 min read
Every year comes a new wave of renters deciding whether to stay at their current apartment community or search for a new one. Using social media to...
4 min read
It’s no secret that apartment photography has the ability to yield amazing results.
6 min read
Apartment photography is not only necessary, but also highly regarded in the minds of renters.
4 min read
In real estate marketing, branding is a lifestyle—and building an apartment brand that does so successfully is no easy feat.
3 min read
After a full year of restrictions from COVID-19, what was once a full-fledged transition to digital options is now re-transitioning back to in-person...
3 min read
Currently have an apartment in development this year? Take a look below for 5 marketing ideas for apartment lease-up in 2021 that will help you...
4 min read
Do you wish you could read renters’ minds? While multifamily professionals may not be able to determine everything renters are thinking, we can get a...
3 min read
From shifts in technology to an unprecedented pandemic, the way renters look for new apartments is much different than it was two years ago.
3 min read
Here we present the agelong question in real estate: which is better when staging an apartment home? Home staging or virtual staging for apartment...
3 min read
Photography is one of the most common marketing assets in real estate. Little do people know, it’s not something you can just set and forget.
4 min read
If you clicked on this, you probably have some knowledge or interest in 3D renderings for apartments.
2 min read
We don’t need to tell you that 2020 was, well, interesting to say the least—especially in real estate. With all of its ups and downs, and a constant...
4 min read
Similar to the rest of 2020, the holidays are looking a little different this year. With the ongoing pandemic keeping more people at home this...
3 min read
Now that many real estate businesses are integrating virtual tours into their marketing strategies, it will take more effort to get tours to stand...
5 min read
Cleanliness, work-from-home -- and now even learn-from-home -- are rising to the top of curiosities among prospective residents looking to move into...
1 min read
Pre-leasing is no easy endeavor for new multifamily communities, but throw in an unprecedented pandemic, and the results can be wildly uncertain. The...
9 min read
The 2020 pandemic has truly reshaped how multifamily professionals operate. Now more than ever, renters are turning to digital tools like virtual...